Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Wisdom Wednesday!!

National Nutrition Month
Did you know that March is National Nutrition Month? Well it is. So for our Wisdom Wednesday today I am giving you a challenge. I will also be doing this challenge. So here it is....Try at least two different vegetables that you have never tried before. Experts say that if a child doesn't like a vegetable they will over time if you keep making them try it, over and over again. I'm not sure what two I will pick for my second choice, but I have always wanted to try egg plant. There are so many different recipes that look just wonderful with egg plant. I'm going to start experimenting with that one first. Hopefully I can get a recipe to work well enough that I can share it with you. :] So there you go, get out there and try something new this month. I would love to hear back from you, what you tried, how it tasted, and how you ate it. And remember, happier healthier eating!!

1 comment:

  1. Thats a good challenge. I tried eggplant for the first time in Ratatouille. Good luck. I know I need to introduce more because we are getting sick of the same veggies over and over again.
