Update: Still no heater, but I am able to show you something fun to make for St. Patrick's day.
Shamrock Sandwiches
Slices of whole wheat or Gluten free or Spelt bread
Slices of Cheese for each slice of bread
Green pepper with three bumps on the bottom, NOT four
Preheat oven to broil and move oven rack to the second to highest rack. Cut the top of the pepper off and continue slicing 1/4 inch slices or thinner. Use an end slice and cut into smaller pieces for the stem. Place a slice of bread on a cookie sheet. Put a slice of cheese on top of each piece of bread. Then put one slice of the pepper on top of the cheese. Then use one of the little pieces of the pepper and attach it to part of the slice of pepper already on the cheese to make it look like a shamrock. (If you don't like the taste of cooked peppers you can add them after the bread is toasted) Then put the cookie sheet in the oven for 2-3 minutes or until the bread is toasted and the cheese melted. Remove from oven and let cool slightly before eating and enjoy!!
I got the idea from Family Fun magazine.
what a cute idea!