The food find today are Clif kid organic Z Bars. I was amazed at the flavor of these bars! They are so incredible! Even the chocolate is organic so it's great to eat. The sweetener is evaporated cane juice, they are basically gluten free (may contain traces of wheat), and low fat so I can eat them too! The chocolate brownie really does taste like a brownie! These are great replacements for candy bars or brownies. I put them in my purse, 72 hour kits, and in our car kit. The only problem is trying to keep the kids away from them to get them to last longer. :]
The cheapest place to buy these is at Costco, though you can find them at the Health Food stores too. I haven't looked for these at the Grocery store so if you see them there let me know.
amy-these are on sale at macey's for 88 cents each, but think it ends tomorrow, tues the 18th