Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Wisdom Wednesday!!

School started today for my children. I'm not usually a basket case, but I have been the past few days. I'm usually not stressed either. But I have been the past few days too. With me I don't notice that I'm stressed until it's like this picture and I'm pulling the world behind me, or at least I feel that way. Stress is a funny thing. It really does affect our health a lot more than most people give it credit. Now don't get me wrong some stress is good. Having a little stress gets us to accomplish tasks, finish projects, and so on. What I'm talking about it having too much on your plate. Having to deal with more than what you are used to for a long period of time.
When you are stressed out your body acts like you're in danger and releases hormones that make you breathe faster, increases your heart rate, and gives you that burst of energy you need. The problem comes when that is happening all of the time. If you are stressed for long periods of time it can cause headaches, back pain, intestinal problems, stomach problems, trouble sleeping, and can cause a weakened immune system. If you are already suffering from a health problem increased stress can make the problem worse. Also when you are stressed you make poor judgement choices in the food you eat.
If you have more stress than normal there are ways to help calm your body down. I personally like to take long warm showers. I just sit there with the warm water running on my back, take deep breaths, and think about all of the blessings I have. Take some time for yourself. This is an important one because really if you are stressed out you need to find out why. Figure out where the extra stress is coming from. If you know where it's coming from then you can better problem solve to fix it. Write in a journal. Start a hobby or pick up a old hobby, as long as it's relaxing. Meditate and exercise. Drink more water. Ask for help and talk to someone. Find a way to serve someone. It's amazing the joy that can come from helping others and that helps to relieve your own stress. If one of these doesn't help, try a different one. Just keep trying. Trying to relax and trying to de-stress is the most important thing. So here's to happy healthy de-stressing!!


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