Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Wisdom Wednesday!!

Vitamin C

Today I wanted to talk about another vitamin, Vitamin C. Vitamin C is very important to our bodies. Did you know that your body can not make it's own vitamin C? Well it's true. The only way our bodies can get this important vitamin in through the food we eat and the supplements we take. Vitamin C has many benefits which include, helping your body absorb iron and calcium, prevention of Scurvy, strengthening our immune system, it aids in the structure of blood vessels, tendons, ligaments, and bones, it is also critical in aiding our brain function. That is how important vitamin C is to our body. If you don't have enough vitamin C you can develop Scurvy. If you have too much vitamin C our body just lets it go out through our urine. If you have too much for a long period of time it can make it so your body can't use vitamin B12 or you can develop kidney stones. As Americans we don't get enough vitamin C. Here are some food that are rich in vitamin C that you probably wouldn't have thought of.

Red sweet peppers, Green peppers, Guava, Oranges, Kiwi, Grapefruit juice, Strawberries, Cantaloupe, Brussels sprouts, Tomato juice, and others.

The RDA suggests that we consume 57-90 milligrams a day for adults. But some research suggests that if you get 500 milligrams a day it will increase your health dramatically. That is about 9 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. If you're not eating enough food that is rich in vitamin C, then it would be wise to use a supplement as well. But really doesn't food sound so much better than taking a pill? :] So remember happy healthier eating.

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